Wednesday, February 4, 2009


1. Setting:

- The story happens in the old man's house
- It takes place on 8 days

2. Characters:

- The narrator (the man who kills the old man)
- The old man (who gets killed)
- The neighbor (who calls the police)
- The police (who comes to the house)

3. Themes

- A human being has a perverse wicked side (another side) that can make him do evil things
without normal MOTIVES
- FEAR of discovery can bring DISCOVERY
- The EVIL WITHIN is worse than the evil without

4. Point of view

First person narrative

5. Sentence style

"Object, there was none, Passion, there was none. I loved the man..."

6. Figures of speech

- Anaphora

"I heard things... in heaven, I heard things in hell"

- Personification

"Death" becomes a person

- Simile

"A single ray of light like the thread of a spider"

- Alliteration

"Hearren! Observation heartily how calmly"

- Irony

"I was never kinder to the old man during the week before i killed him"

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