Wednesday, January 28, 2009

1. What questions.

What are you reviewing?

The curious case of Benjamin Button

What is it about?

A baby boy born old growing backwards

What is the plot or storyline?

The young boy tries to live a normal life in this condition

What is the theme?


What is the director's purpose?

His purpose?... make this movie?

What genre or classification does it fit?

Drama, Fantastic, Romantic

What is the tone?


What is the point of view?

A narrator “reads” the story and makes it live

What is the mood?


2. Who questions.

Who wrote, directed, or acted it?

-David Fincher directed it

-Francis Scott Fitzgerald orinaly wrote it

-Eric Roth re-wrote it

the actors were:

-Brad Pitt
-Cate Blanchet
-Julia Ormond
-Taraji P. Henson
-Jason Flemyng
-Tilda Swinton

and many other...

What else have they done?

Brad Pitt played in:

-Twelve monkeys
-Mr. And Mrs. Smith
-Ocean’s thirteen

Cate Blanchet played in:

-Lord of the rings, The two towers
-Lord of the rings, The return of the king

Who are the main characters in the story?

-Benjamin Button
-Captain Mike

Who is the intended audience?

Young adults to adults

Who has said what about this? Why?

Kenneth Turan (LA times):

"While that bit of technical virtuosity is supposed to make us ponder the mysteries of mortality, actually seeing these various Buttons plays as grotesque and gimmicky, leading to speculation that the chance to do something bizarre and unsettling is what attracted Fincher to the project in the first place."

Well this person dislike the movie and the special effects in it, but as it is an oscar nominee, this person is probably wrong.

3. Where and when questions.

When does the action take place?

1920’s to 2000

Where does the action take place?

Many places, but especially Louisiana

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